I live in Australia and New Guinea. Someone released some of my friends in New Zealand and the United States and we survive wonderfully there now.
I live about 15 years but some have been known to live the ripe old age of 20.
Females have been known to grow as long as 5 inches but males normally grow to be about 4 inches (10 cm) long.
I am insectivore and love crickets. I am a really good hunter and can do some amazing acrobatics when chasing them.
In the wild I spend most of my time in trees., and need an enclosure with lots of climbing room.
I don't have ribs so take care how you hold me!
I have 4 fingers and 5 toes.
I need at least a 25 gallon aquarium that is tall rather than wide. A tight fitting lid is essential, as we easily scale the side of any aquarium. We can be kept in goups, as long as we are of a similar size (we may eat the smaller ones).
We live in the Americas but 100 pairs were introduced to Queensland, Australia, in the 1930s and we are now a big problem!
We live anywhere between 12 and 20 years but have been know to live to 40!.
Males can grow up to about 10-15cm (4-6 inches), whilst females are larger and can reach about 13- 23cm (5-9 inches).
We are really insectivores but bigger toads are carnivores. We eat worms, crickets, beetles, small mice and other smaller amphibians.
As a treat we can eat cat food.
We can live in quite dry environments but need lots of water. We live in open woodlands, at the margins where forests and fields meet and we can survive in semi-deserts.
We excrete chemicals from our skin. One of these chemicals is Bufotenin, which is a Class 1 drug in Australia, as it can cause mild hallucinations. This places it alongside both heroin and Marijuana.
We need a minimum 35gallon (160l) tank. A large 5bowl is enough for us to swim in. Make sure the water is not deeper than our mouth when sitting up and change it daily.
We only live in the underground waterways and lakes near Mexico City. There were many lakes such as Lake Xochimilco. We cannot survive in some places now as the polution is so high. We were originally found in Lake Chalco in Mexico, but this lake has since been drained.
We can live for 10 to 15 years.
We are usually around 23 cm (9 in) long but some have been known to grow longer than 30 cm (12 in).
In the wild, we eat snails, worms, crustaceans, small fish, and small amphibians. In captivity, we like brine shrimp, small strips of beef or liver, earthworms, bloodworms, or fish pellets Uneaten food should be cleaned from the tank daily.
We are a fully aquatic species so we cannot go on land. We like cool water, as the water from our lakes is fed by melting glaciers.
We appreciate lots of vegetation so we can hide and this is where we lay our eggs.
We are said to be named after the Aztec God Xolotl, who is believed to have turned into an Axolotl in Aztec mythology.
We dont metamorphosise (change) into adults.
We are critically endangered in the wild.
We can regenerate any part of our bodies if we are injured.
We need at least a 15-20 gallon tank although it only has to be just deeper than our full length.
A filter is advisable although the filtration rate should be fairly slow as we don't like running water. A siphon can be used to vacuum the bottom of the tank, and a 20 percent water change should be done weekly.
I can be found throughout most of Sub-Saharan Africa. Thiis stretches from Nigeria and Sudan right down to South Africa.
I can live up to 20 years.
I can grow to 10-15cm (4-5 inches) long.
I enjoy a varied diet of bloodworms, brine shrimp, pellets, waxworms, mealworms, and insects, as well as feeder guppies and will eat small pieces of meat.
I live in shallow ponds, lakes and ditches. I like quiet, warm water and are fully aquatic.
I enjoy burrowing in thick mud like stagnant water with plenty of organic vegetation clouding up the water.
I don't have teeth or a tongue!
A 20gallon (90l) long low tank would hold 3 but we should have 10gallos if alone. I like cloudy water with lots of vegetation and laces to hide.